About Us


A better way to do student wellbeing.

One that helped students to Stay, Play and Pay?

One that truly put students at the centre (without all the rhetoric).

One that actually empowered students to THRIVE through their studies, rather than just survive them.

And what if it was easier to exceed your student wellbeing compliance requirements than you could possibly imagine?

With outcomes for students that will leave them as ‘raving fans’.

Reducing your marketing spend (because they’ll be doing it for you).

All while retaining more students than ever (because they’ll be coping better).

And one that also reduces costs of expensive things, like psych services. Or allows those that need them, faster and longer access.

One that turbo-boosts engagement like a boss.

You’d probably want to know about it, right?

That’s what we do.

We’re the pioneers of fun and engaging student wellbeing that’s firmly planted in proven human behaviour practices, so that your students can learn to make better decisions… for themselves.

Without having to constantly ask you, all the time, for help to make even the tiniest move.

WOWZERS! Imagine how much time you’d gain back. Every day. Every week.

What would THAT do to your ‘one day I’ll’ wish list… All the cool projects that have been sitting on the back-burner.

S l o w l y dying.

Imagine breathing life into them…

Without wanting to toot our own horn too loudly, we’re pretty good at what we do.

The IEAA liked it so much they put a ring on it (well an Excellence in Innovation Award). And the Feds have included two of our programs in their upcoming Best Practice for International Student Wellbeing Guide.

And 10,000+ plus students have benefit from our version of awesomeness.

Yours can too.

You might have known us as Confidence Hackers

Yep, we’ve changed our name to Student Confidence, but our work and philosophy stays the same – that is to empower student to be the best version of themselves.

So why the name change? We wanted to make sure that we properly represented who we work with, and we got tired of random emails asking us to ‘unhack’ people’s computers! #truestory

Our new logo represents growth in all directions, while remaining focused on your ‘true north’ – whatever that is individually for each student.

Research based, action oriented

International and ‘non-metro’ local students are at the highest risk of mental ill-health.

This is mostly due to the massive transitions they face, the stigma that ‘mental health’ carries, the lack of support networks and fear of seeking help.

We base all of our programs on contemporary research and proven universal human behaviour models that work.

Click here to check out some of the rad research we use.

And here to see how our programs map against your compliance requirements and the research.


Study Melbourne

Study Adelaide

Study Tasmania


The University of Melbourne

Monash University

Griffith University

Swinburne University

Victoria University

Kangan Batman Tafe

Tafe Gippsland

Insight Academy




Vision Australia

Maribyrnong City Council

Melbourne Polytechnic

Deakin University

Stonnington City Council

Get in Touch with Us today about how we can help you with student wellbeing compliance

Meet our Team

Coach Anneliese

Coach Amy

Coach Sam

IT Dilhan

Founder, Coach Anita

Social Media Meryll

Our Charity Partners

We’re committed to supporting youth charities with a percentage of every invoice going to:

Get in Touch with Us today about how we can help you with student wellbeing compliance and more