Live Workshops

build student retention, engagement and wellbeing outcomes
We’ll come to you, or we can deliver workshops live online to support student confidence progression – all with an Australian Government research-backed stigma-free guarantee!
Why? because of what we call the Wellbeing Paradox – that frustrating situation where the students the need the most help are the least likely to attend. Which is why you consistently see the same (confident) faces at your events, while the shy ones stay invisible and hidden.
Using our unique approach of on-demand, combined with live by Zoom and in house workshops, students have a pathway to confidence and wellbeing, rather than an all or nothing option.

Type of workshops we run
For best outcomes, combine sessions to create a breakthrough bespoke program, rather than as a one-off session.
- Networking for Success – practical 101 to demystify networking
- Ignite and Rewrite Beliefs – destroy limiting beliefs and create empowering ones
- Vision Boards – your personal future vision reminder
- Standards – creating and maintaining them. Perfect for Student Ambassadors to prevent the ‘ride along’ students
- Decision Making – powerfully practical two-step decision making
- Ace your Exams – using mindset to get through exam times
- Win the ‘what if’s’ war – managing the spiralling conversations
- Maintaining Motivation – how to keep going when you want to stop
- Conquering Comfort Zones – how to stretch yourself
- Dealing with drama – yours or other peoples

Click this link to book a time to chat to us (via Calendly)
Param’s phenomenal 8 week confidence journey…

Zero lectern, Zero PowerPoint, 100% Awesomeness
Yep, that’s right – we don’t stand trapped behind a lectern talking AT students (cos that’s so 2019!), we get out amongst the students and rarely (if ever) use PowerPoint presos – cos there’s way more engaging ways to share than death by PowerPoint, right?
And ALL of our workshops, programs, courses and events exceed your ESOS student wellbeing compliance requirements. #doublewin!