Pre-Recorded Content

on demand wellbeing support

Our On-Demand Confidence Programs are:

  • Scalable
  • Cost effective
  • Best Practice Student Wellbeing
  • Prevention and Empowerment Focused
  • Ideal for Students and Staff
  • Modular – only pay for what you need

Programs are fully hosted on our exclusive Preparise Platform, with all content pieces 10 minutes or less long.

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Pioneering Confidence content, in 10 minute chunks

Being on-demand participants can manage their personal and professional development on the go, around their busy lifestyle.

Dip in and out, or binge-watch entire programs to earn a micro-credential certificate rewards.

The programs also include our trademark 90 second ‘Confi-Dance’ to move bodies and minds – in versions, including K-Pop, Bollywood and Pakistani Disco!

Modular Format

The base-level program includes innovative confidence, mindset and  preventative wellbeing themes of:

  • Fast Track to Success
  • Stress Management
  • Communication Skills

Run each as mini wellbeing or confidence ‘challenge’ throughout the year or let them ‘choose their own adventure.’

Add on extra courses such as:

  • Managing Change
  • Study & Exam Skills
  • Understanding Me
  • What You Need to Know Before You Leave Home
  • I Just Need a Job – how to get a casual job

90 second overview of Preparise


We just want students to come to our IRL events... how will this help?

Engagement is harder now than ever.

Post-Covid especially, students need solid pathways to secretly build the confidence to connect. They want to… they just don’t know how to.

It’s why you get event bookings, but then huge no-shows on the day… and then ones that do show up, are the ‘old faithfuls’, not the new faces.

Students need stepping stones to confidence.

What you see as a small step of attending an event, is to them a giant leap that is just way too big to make.

So they stay home, in their rooms.


Students need a pathway, not just all or nothing when it comes to events.

Imagine sending all of the no-shows a direct link to one of the 10 Minute Confidence Courses? Showing that you’re here to help them, with options to boost their confidence so that maybe next time they’ll be able to come in.

And the student feeling safe in their own home to start building the life-long skills of confidence and connection, in just 10 minutes.

Pre-Recorded Content is Boring... isn't it?

Pre-Recorded Content DOESN’T have to be boring!

In fact, our content pieces are all 10 minutes long or less, include a mini dance break to help get students moving, and help students make sense of the most important thing in their world… themselves!

Our short course programs have been loved by thousands of students already and create lasting impact.

Does this meet student wellbeing compliance requirements?

The 10 Minute Confidence Courses EXCEED the Australian ESOS and National Code compliance requirements, and it sets you up really well with the Australian Universities Accord.

We can provide reporting for you about the number of students using the platform, the content they’ve looked at etc.

Making your compliance reporting a cinch!

What are some use-case suggestions?

  • Run courses as 2-week ‘challenges’ timed around your calendar. Include a token gift for completion (we have some great options). They automatically receive a certificate with completion too!
  • Promote access to students receiving or waiting for counselling or psych services.
  • Perfect for peer-learning/mentoring for both sides to have elevated wellbeing skills.
  • Have a lesson-a-day on your social media, playing in the lift, or at places like reception or snack stops. With all lessons 10 mins or less, it makes for great incidental learning and gateways to wanting to discover more.
  • Great for high achievers – to help them with the stress management skills they need.
  • Perfect for those requesting additional support, like careers, study skills etc, as these challenges can snowball into bigger problems.

How long is the content?

Each piece of content is no more than 10 minutes long, with many 5 minutes or less.

Each course is 14 lessons long.

Are these micro-credentials?

Yes. We’ve broken the pre-recorded content up into courses (such as communication skills and life formulas to fast track success) with each course having 14 lessons.

At the completion of all of the lessons in one course (around 2 hours or less), the student can download a certificate credential they can include in their resume.

Where is the content hosted?

We host everything for you.

You get a custom branded group where all of your students can access the content and engage with each other as well.

You also nominate a contact person,  so that we can have a single point of contact. That might be someone in Student Services or Compliance.

Why Pre-Recorded?

Students making the biggest ‘adulting’ transition of their lives often need additional support, they may have never felt confident, or may have lost confidence in the themselves.

The 10 Minute Confidence Courses empower students to take control of their lives and wellbeing, by secretly being able to build the confidence skills they’ll need to create meaningful connections.

Even the UN has identified that access to remote support (including video) needs to be scaled up in the post-pandemic landscape.

What research supports this?

All Student Confidence programs are backed by contemporary research in student mental health and wellbeing that prioritises proactive and preventative wellbeing approaches.

Check out our Research Summary and Compliance Mapping (completed by compliance experts IEP Advisory).

Because the 10 Minute Confidence Courses are based on universal human behaviour methodologies, we have empowered more than 10,000 students of all nationalities (inc domestic students!) and levels from under 18’s to mature age PhD students.

Participants love building the self-leadership & life skills to help them to make friends, get jobs, deal with social anxiety, attend events, manage parents and become the boss of themselves.

Is this only for first year students?

NO. Our programs have been attended by everyone from pathway students, to first year all the way up to doctoral students, and staff.

We’ve included some specific content for pre-arrival students, but being universal human behaviour content, it’s all very relevant to all students (domestic and international), and staff.

Contact Us For A FREE Consultation and Demonstration

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